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Impressive and moving monuments and memorials aside, commercial architecture in Washington, D.C. is not exactly known for being cutting edge. But that’s slowly changing, thanks to a building boom, a population boost, and a willingness to be more daring with design.

Therefore, it was a delight to see that KCIC’s sleek headquarters building in Washington is recognized as one of the leaders in more forward-thinking architecture.

Boom-Time Building

Known simply by its address — 733 10th Street, NW — our building made a Washington Post list of “10 Buildings You Must See Around the New Boom-Time Washington.” All built within the last 10 years, the structures on the list were cited for leading the way toward more progressive design in our nation’s capital.

Our building was completed in 2012, and we moved there in 2013, residing on the third floor ever since.

The building houses a church on the ground floor and is adjacent to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library — the only building in Washington designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a giant in 20th-century modernist architecture.

As a nod toward its architecturally significant next-door neighbor, our building features a glass-encased section that pivots toward the library, while carving out a rooftop patio atop a lower portion of the building. In fact, if you look closely at the patio, you can see KCIC’s orange table umbrellas, under which our team enjoys having lunch and getting some fresh air.

The Role of Design at KCIC

Actually, it’s appropriate that we’re housed within a space that was so thoughtfully designed. In our own work, we place a priority on design — whether building online platforms to help clients survive the tort system or developing Custom Solutions for very specific challenges. We hear it all the time — our clients tell us how much they appreciate the highly user-friendly interfaces we develop.

On the subject of architecture, we have some exciting news to announce soon. KCIC will be opening a branch office in another city … in yet another architecturally significant building. Stay tuned to learn more!